Life is like a pitch back net! In baseball, you get out of the pitch back net what you throw into it. In life, many will tell you that you get out of life what you put into it. By the same token, if that is true, then how fast or how slow should one throw the ball into the pitch back net to get the desired response? Furthermore, if your goal is to have a fabulous life, then what do you need to put into it?
A pitch back net will propel the baseballs back at the player for practicing at a variety of speed, force, and angles. With this type of practicing you'll be ready for any challenges that present itself to you during the baseball game. Likewise, what are you doing in your own life to be prepared for the variety of life's challenges that might be thrown at you? Are you learning how to be transparent in a world that is easy to not share yourself? Are you learning to be sincere? Do you practice honesty and humility? All of these attributes and so much more will prepare you for anything that life throws at you.
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Just Like Life
How are baseball and life alike when we think about losing that game or not succeeding at something in our life? We can shake the hand of the team that won the game that day, and then set a new goal. Will that goal be to work harder or play smarter for the next game? In life, we can live with intention, we can live looking for ways to turn our disappointments into learning opportunities. We can live our life focusing on others, focusing on giving instead of receiving.
We have all gone through hardships in our life at one time or another. Just like in baseball when you hit a foul ball or strike out, the game does not always turn out the way we had hoped for. Despite the long practice sessions, the amazing coaching, the perfect equipment, and our hopes of winning, sometimes we strike out. Life can be like that too, but we have a choice to make in that moment. The choice you make will define your life's path.
Live life like a pitch back net, put into it everything you have, who knows what you will receive back from it!
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